
Monday, February 22, 2010

Oracle 11gR2 RAC installation: Grid Infrastructure installation

To install the Grid Infrastructure, login as oracle user and start the runInstaller

I choosed to install as "Advanced Installation"

The following is a screenshot coming from the help of the runInstaller, describing a virtual scenario formed by two Rac nodes:

What is a SCAN name ?

Oracle introduced this new concept on 11gR2 version: it stands for Single Client Access Name (SCAN). Its purpose is to eliminate the need to change tns name entry when nodes are added to or removed from the Cluster. What does it happen when you have several client and you decide to add/remove a node? So you have to configure your SCAN name on your DNS otherwise...

you will get the following error. [INS-40718] Single Client Access Name (SCAN) name: RAC3-scan could not be resolved.

From the previous screenshot, click add to add configure the second node.

Specify public and private interconnection.

A new feature: it's now possible to select ASM to place OCR and voting disks.
Before proceeding with this option, just have a read to this interesting post:

Add a disk group, selecting from candidate disks. It was not possible to create one disk group and associate to only one candidate ... My intention was to create, as usual and as suggested in Oracle best practices, two disk groups: DATA_RAC3 and FRA_RAC3.

Select ASM password

I didn't use IPMI (the Intelligent Platform Management Interface)

At this time I didn't create the "Oracle Base" directory

So I created it manually

On both nodes

Execute the scripts as root user

The output of the scripts...

Grid Infrastructure installation finished.