
Friday, March 23, 2012

How create a virtual machine on Oracle VM 3.0.3: step 6

Click here for previous steps:
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5

Before reboot your machine you need to modify the boot order options of your machine. So on Oracle VM Manager console, right click on your machine and select "Edit"
 On Boot Order tab change the following configuration (Boot Order: Networking)

with the following one (Boot Order: Disk). And click OK

An error message will be prompted because the machine is not stopped and those changes have to be done while the machine is completely halted.

From the Oracle VM Manager console right click on your machine and select "Stop". Click OK on the Confirmation window.

A new job will start attempting to stop your virtual machine

and when successfully stopped your job will have a "completed" status

Now "Edit" again your machine and change your "Boot order" option to boot on Disk

Again a new job will start and complete

Start again your virtual machine (a new job again)

and try to connect using the vnc console.

A login prompt is waiting for you.

That's all.

How create a virtual machine on Oracle VM 3.0.3: step 5

Click here for previous steps:
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4

Select your boot loader configuration

Enter your kernel boot options here if you need them

Choose a password if you need it

Simply select OK and go next

Install the boot loader into the Master Boot Record

Choose YES to configure your eth0 network interface

I need to activate on boot my network interface and enable the IPv4 support.

Choose "Manual address configuration" and enter your static ip address and your netmask

Enter your gateway, primary and secondary dns

Enter your machine hostname

Select your time zone (mine is Europe/Rome)

Finally choose your root password

Install the default ORACLE Linux Server packages.

Your installation will be logged in /root/install.log

Just wait for the installation to complete and when asked reboot your machine you have first to follow the step 6 (How create a virtual machine on Oracle VM 3.0.3: step 6). After complete those steps you can reboot.