Monday, February 12, 2007

Oracle 10g RAC installation: 02 Installing Unbreakable Linux

Now we are able to setup the Oracle Unbreakable Linux O.S.
First of all, edit your CD-ROM virtual settings and select your ISO image (Enterprise-R4-U4-i386-disc1.iso) and then start your virtual machine.

You can follow the same instructions of previous CentOS installation, just untill the Disk Setup option.
After you choose Manually partition with Disk Druid you have to click on Yes, five times to initialize the devices sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, and sde.

So in this case we have to configure the virtual Hard Drives /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd and /dev/sde.

For the /dev/sda drive we add two mount points (/ and /u01 with file system EXT3) and a swap partition (file system SWAP).

This is what I choose:
for the mount point / I selected something like 4GB, for the mount point /u01 I selected something like 2GB and for the swap partition I selected something like 1GB.
The devices sdb, sdc, sdd, and sde will be configured later.

In the network configuration options edit the eth0 and eth1 network cards. I won't use a DHCP and I will use a static IP address (, activated on boot and with netmask for eth0; as static IP address and netmask for eth1.
As hostname select Manually and type
and as gateway type
On eth0 I have used the intranet network configuration of my company, you can choose other IP.

Disable the firewall and enable SELinux.

Proceed like CentOS installation untill the package selection and select:
  • X Window System
  • GNOME Desktop Environment
  • Editors (I have selected the vi editor)
  • Graphical Internet
  • Sound and Video
  • Graphics (I have deselected Gimp)
  • Server Configuration Tools
  • FTP Server
  • Legacy Network Server(rsh-server and telnet-server must be selected)
  • Development Tools
  • Legacy Software Development
  • Administration Tools
  • Give attention to the System Tools: select ocfs-2-2.6.9- for UP (uniprocessor) kernel or select ocfs-2-2.6.9- for SMP (symmetric multiprocessor) kernel. Then select ocfs2-tools, ocfs2console and again select oracleasm-2.6.9- (uniprocessor) for UP kernel or select oracleasm-2.6.9- for SMP (symmetric multiprocessor) kernel. Then select sysstat because this package contains utilities to monitor system performance and usage activity such as iostat (CPU statistics and input/output statistics for devices, partitions and network filesystems) and sar (it collects, reports and saves system activity information).
At this point follow the same instructions of previous CentOS installation to complete the installation.