
Thursday, June 14, 2012

How create a virtual machine from a previously cloned template on Oracle VM 3.0.3: step 3

Step 1 is here;
Step 2 is here;

Now we have to modify /etc/sysconfig/network file

writing the right hostname for our machine. The template hostname is changed

with the following hostname.

We are ready to start our network service, aren't we ?

We have an error, quite explicative: Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring
Of course I have forget to create a new MAC address for my machine. So click on Tools and then "Vnic Manager" from VM Manager interface

and let it generate a valid new MAC address or just choose one available.

Now open again the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file

and modify the HWADDR entry

with your new MAC address

Let's start our network service again. It works.

And I'm able to ping my new machine from my local pc

Type reboot and let see if all goes up

Ok. Also the hostname is right as expected.

How create a virtual machine from a previously cloned template on Oracle VM 3.0.3: step 2

Previous step is here

When you select "Launch Console" a new browser window download a jnlp file. Click on the first button ("Conserva" in my language and with Chrome browser) and a java console will appear.

This console gives you the ability to connect directly to your machine simulating an IPMI console.

You have to connect with root account and begin to modify network file configurations.

If you take a look at the status of network service you can see that only loopback interface is active. You can type also ifconfig command to see the same result: if you issue the ifconfig -a command you can see all the available interface, so eth0 appears as output.

We have now to modify the /etc/hosts file and change the template hosts file with the right one.

The following is my current hosts file, with the right IP address and hostname

Now it's time to take a look at network-scripts directory. There's a ifcfg-eth0.bak file and if you look into you can discover the IP address of the cloned machine.

So let's go into the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory and edit that file.

I need to change the ip address from .71

to .78, the IP address of my new cloned machine.

Now rename the ifcfg-eth0.bak file in ifcfg-eth0

Step 3 is here